Professor Samer Bagaeen, Planning & Resilient Systems at the University of Kent (S13 E5)

Samer Bagaeen Profile

Professor Samer Bagaeen

Our Special Guest this week is Professor Samer Bagaeen BSc MSc MBA PhD MRTPI FRICS, Professor of Planning & Resilient Systems at the University of Kent.

Thursday the 27th of June 2024 at 5:30pm

  • Decision of the Supreme Court dated 20 June 2024 in R (Finch) v Surrey County Council [2024] UKSC 20, about the necessary scope of an environmental impact assessment in respect of downstream greenhouse gas and scope 3 emissions.
  • Decision of the Welsh Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government & Planning dated 14 June 2024 granting planning permission for a proposed windfarm development by Pennant Walters Ltd judged to be of national significance in accordance with S62D of the TCPA 1990. Issues around harm to historic landscape, impacts on ecology and whether any harm would be outweighed by benefits to CC and energy security.
  • Decision of an inspector dated 11th June 2024 allowing an appeal by North Lambeth Holding BV against the refusal of the London Borough of Lambeth to grant planning permission for a 15-storey building – a tall building-on a largely empty gap site, at 79-87 Westminster Bridge Road, not identified within any development plan as a site suitable for tall buildings.   

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