Decisions of the Week:
- R (oao Save Stonehenge WHS) v Secretary of State Transport & Highways England & Historic England [2021] EWHC 1642. A decision of Mr Justice Holgate dismissing an interlocutory application to add an additional ground, & a related order for disclosure, to the claim seeking to quash the DCO consent for the A303 scheme at Stonehenge, ordered to be dealt with via a rolled up hearing.
- Decision of the Secretary of State dated 23rd June 2021 dismissing an application, in accordance with the inspector’s recommendation, called in under S77, by U&I & The London Fire Commissioner into a mixed use scheme at Albert Embankment on a site allocated for redevelopment in the emerging Lambeth Local Plan, less than substantial harm identified to DHAs including to the OUV of the Palace of Westminster WHS & harm to living conditions of residents not outweighed by scheme benefits.
- Decision of an Inspector dated 23rd June 2021 allowing Keepmoat Homes appeal against the refusal by Newark & Sherwood District Council of an application for 103 homes on an allocated greenfield site, where issues relating to density, proposed mix and living conditions were raised.
- Decision of an Inspector dated24th June2021 allowing William Davis Ltd’s appeal for up to 70 homes, refused by Charnwood Borough Council, on a site outside the limits of development defined in both the Local Plan and the Woods Village Neighbourhood Plan; issues related to BMV, loss of ridge & furrow ie non DHA & AH. & viability, amenity given nearby poultry farm & 5 or 3 year HLS.
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