Anna Rose MRTPI, Head of the Planning Advisory Service (S4 E9)

Anna Rose MRTPI
Anna Rose MRTPI

Anna is the Head of the Planning Advisory Service and has oversight of the whole programme of activity. She manages the team and client relationships. Anna is a member of the Improvement management team at the LGA.

Decisions of the Week:

  • R (oao Save Stonehenge WHS) v Secretary of State Transport & Highways England & Historic England [2021] EWHC 1642. A decision of Mr Justice Holgate dismissing an interlocutory application to add an additional ground, & a related order for disclosure, to the claim seeking to quash the DCO consent for the A303 scheme at Stonehenge, ordered to be dealt with via a rolled up hearing.
  • Decision of the Secretary of State  dated 23rd June 2021 dismissing an application, in accordance with the inspector’s recommendation, called in under S77, by U&I & The London Fire Commissioner into a mixed use scheme at Albert Embankment on a site allocated for redevelopment in the emerging Lambeth Local Plan, less than substantial harm identified to DHAs including to the OUV of the Palace of Westminster WHS & harm to living conditions of residents not outweighed by scheme benefits.
  • Decision of an Inspector dated 23rd June 2021 allowing Keepmoat Homes  appeal against the refusal by Newark & Sherwood District Council of an application for 103 homes on an allocated greenfield site, where issues relating to density, proposed mix and living conditions were raised.
  • Decision of an Inspector dated24th June2021 allowing William Davis Ltd’s appeal for up to 70 homes, refused by Charnwood Borough Council, on a site outside the limits of development defined in both the Local Plan and the Woods Village Neighbourhood Plan; issues related to BMV, loss of ridge & furrow ie non DHA & AH. & viability, amenity given nearby poultry farm & 5 or 3 year HLS.

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