Jason Prior, Chief Executive of Prior + Partners (S15 E4)
More...Our Special Guest this week is Jason Prior, Chief Executive of Prior and Partners. Prior and Partners integrate masterplanning, planning and economics to unlock the potential of places and communities around the globe.
Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute (S15 E3)
More...Victoria joined the RTPI in April 2018 and has 20 years’ experience and expertise in planning, transport and organisational leadership and development. Victoria joins us to talk about the new Planning and Infrastructure Bill.
Níall McLaughlin RA, World Renowned Architect (S15 E2)
More...Our Special Guest this week is Níall McLaughlin RA. Níall is Professor of Architectural Practice at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.
Lord Ben Houchen, Mayor of the Tees Valley (S15 E1)
More...Our Special Guest this week is Lord Ben Houchen, Mayor of the Tees Valley, to discuss the English Devolution White Paper published by MHCLG before Christmas. The proposal gives Mayors new responsibilities for strategic planning and much more.
Introducing the New National Planning Policy Framework: December 2024 Update (S14 E7)
More...The New National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is out now! Join Mary Cook, Sasha White KC, Charlie Banner KC, Paul Tucker KC, Thea Osmund-Smith and Chris Young KC for a roundup of all key changes.
Lord Moylan, Chairman of the Built Environment Select Committee (S14 E6)
More...Our Special Guest this week is Lord Daniel Moylan, Chairman of the Built Environment Select Committee. The Committee was appointed to consider matters relating to the built environment, including policies relating to housing, planning, transport and infrastructure.
Pooja Agrawal, Chief Executive Officer at Public Practice (S14 E5)
More...Pooja Agrawal is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Public Practice. Public Practice is a not-for-profit organisation that builds the skills and capability of the public sector to improve the quality, equality and sustainability of places.
Rachel Danemann, Planning Manager for the Midlands & South West, Home Builders Federation (S14 E4)
More...Our Special Guest this week is Rachel Danemann MRTPI CIHCM AssocRICS, Planning Manager (Midlands & South West) for the Home Builders Federation.
Phill Bamford, Policy Director at the Land, Planning & Development Federation (S14 E3)
More...Our Special Guest this week is Phill Bamford, Director of Policy at the Land, Planning and Development Federation.
Mike Kiely, Chair of the Board at the Planning Officers Society (S14 E2)
More...Mike is a chartered town planner and MBA qualified manager with over 40 years’ experience in local government, most of that in London with 14 years at service head level and above. In 2015 Mike left local government and set up his consultancy, Mike Kiely planning + regeneration, to specialise in assisting local authorities to perform better and be more effective.