Decisions of the Week:
- Secretary of State for Transport & Curzon Park Ltd et al [2021] EWCA civ 651 a Court of Appeal decision dismissing an appeal of the decision of the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) on a preliminary issue of law about whether other certificates of appropriate alternative development are to be treated as material planning considerations in determining a CAAD.
- Sefton Borough Council v Secretary of State for HC&LG et al [2021] EWHC 1082, a High Court decision challenging the decision of an inspector to quash enforcement notices and allow the deemed ground of appeal for inappropriate development in the GB, raising issues on interpretation of NPPF 143 & 144.
- R (oaf Corbett) v Cornwall Council [2021] EWHC 1114 another decision of the High Court relating to a failed attempt to quash a planning permission for a house at Trevarrian Hill granted based on an allegedly misleading officer report the meaning of the words “immediately adjoining.”
- Decision of an inspector dated 4th May 2021 dismissing an appeal against the decision of Tendring District Council to refuse planning permission for a change of use to create a retirement park by allowing residential use of caravans based on the adverse impact on tourism and harm to the settlement pattern.
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