Decisions of the Week:
- Mark McGaw v Welsh Ministers [2021] EWCA Civ 976a decision of the Court of Appeal dismissing an appeal against the decision of HH Judge Jarman QC who had allowed an appeal against the decision to refuse the Claimant’s appeal against Swansea Council’s refusal of a certificate of lawful use or development under class E of Schedule 2 of the T&CP(GPD) Order 1995 as it applies in Wales.
- Valero Logistics UK LTD v Plymouth City Council & Halo Aviation Ltd [2021] EWHC 1792 (Admin) a decision of Mrs Justice Thornton DBE dismissing a claim by an adjoining COMAH site operator challenging the grant of planning permission for development comprising a change of use to commercial heliport at Victoria House, Cattedown Road, Plymouth raising issues about planning & other regulatory regimes.
- Decision of an inspector dated 25th June 2021 allowing Senior Living’s appeal against the decision of South Oxfordshire District Council to refuse a hybrid application for a C2 use of 133 units & 73 assisted living units & an outline application for up to 60 units assisted living units at Sonning Common in the Chilterns AONB.
- Decision of an Inspector dated 29th June 2021 allowing Redrow Homes’ appeal against the refusal by London Borough of Merton Council of an application for 456 homes in 2 blocks of between 7 and 15 storeys on a PDL site occupied by a vacant commercial building & car park, where issues relating to character & appearance, parking & HLS were raised.
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