Decisions of the Month:
- Decision of an Inspector dated 15th September 2021 allowing an appeal by Manor Oak Homes against the refusal by South Oxfordshire DC to grant permission for 150 homes on a greenfield site in the Didcot Garden Town master plan area, raising issues on HLS, the effect of development on the character and appearance of the landscape, the weight to be given to conflicts with the development plan and the application of a tilted planning balance.
- Decision of an Inspector dated 20th September 2021 allowing Exigo Project Solutions’ appeal against the refusal by Rother DC of an outline application for 160 homes on an allocated site, where issues relating to the effect of development upon the Pevensey Levels SAC, Ramsar & SSSI and the impact of the surface water drainage scheme on landscape character.
- Decision of an Inspector dated 28th September 2021 allowing Ashill Land Ltd’s appeal against the refusal by North Hertfordshire DC of an application for 167 homes on agricultural land, in the Green Belt, proposed to be released and allocated for housing in the draft local plan, in the late stages of examination, in the context of a 1.47 year supply.
- Decision of an Inspector dated 30th September dismissing Taylor Wimpey UK’s appeal for demolition & permission for 307 homes, refused by the London Borough of Barnet, on a former Homebase site close to North Finchley Town centre; issues related to 5 year HLS and the impact of the proposed 9-storey residential blocks on the character and appearance of the area judged to be predominately low to mid-rise residential development.
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