Crispin Truman OBE, Chief Executive of the CPRE (S4 E2)

Crispin Truman OBE
Crispin Truman OBE

Crispin is chief executive of CPRE. He has over 20 years’ experience of leading and growing successful, award-winning organisations across multiple sectors, as both chief executive and chair. He was chief executive of The Churches Conservation Trust, the UK charity protecting historic churches at risk, and, prior to that, of Revolving Doors Agency, supporting people with mental health problems in the criminal justice system.

Decisions of the Week:

  • Manchester City Council v Secretary of State for HC&LG & others [2021] EWHC 858 a decision of Mr Justice Knowles allowing statutory appeals against an inspector’s decision to  allow an enforcement notice appeal raising issues relating to the correct interpretation of the planning unit & I‘m Your Man.
  • Swainsthorpe PC v Norfolk County Council & South Norfolk DC [2021] EWHC 1014 (Admin), a decision of Mrs Justice Lang DBE relating to a successful claim for JR of a consultation response issued by a highway authority in the context of an application for planning permission which had regard to economic benefits.
  • Decision of an inspector dated 20th April 2021 dismissing an appeal by North Herts DC against Central Beds refusal of a proposed crematorium in a rural location.  
  • Decision of an inspector dated 19th April  2021 dismissing Sharpe Refinery Service Ltd’s appeal against the decision of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to refuse permission for a mixed scheme of two new build units and an extension to Buildings of Townscape Merit, raising issues of loss of commercial floorspace, HLS, the applicability of the 35% uplift, fallback position, waste policies, the implications for the continuing use of Twickenham Studios.

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