Decisions of the Week:
- Manchester City Council v Secretary of State for HC&LG & others [2021] EWHC 858 a decision of Mr Justice Knowles allowing statutory appeals against an inspector’s decision to allow an enforcement notice appeal raising issues relating to the correct interpretation of the planning unit & I‘m Your Man.
- Swainsthorpe PC v Norfolk County Council & South Norfolk DC [2021] EWHC 1014 (Admin), a decision of Mrs Justice Lang DBE relating to a successful claim for JR of a consultation response issued by a highway authority in the context of an application for planning permission which had regard to economic benefits.
- Decision of an inspector dated 20th April 2021 dismissing an appeal by North Herts DC against Central Beds refusal of a proposed crematorium in a rural location.
- Decision of an inspector dated 19th April 2021 dismissing Sharpe Refinery Service Ltd’s appeal against the decision of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to refuse permission for a mixed scheme of two new build units and an extension to Buildings of Townscape Merit, raising issues of loss of commercial floorspace, HLS, the applicability of the 35% uplift, fallback position, waste policies, the implications for the continuing use of Twickenham Studios.
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