Court Judgments of the week:
- TW Logistics Ltd V Essex County Council [2021] UKSC 4 a decision of the Supreme Court dismissing an appeal relating to a 200 sq m area of hard surfaced land on the edge of a working port at Allen’s Quay, Mistley, registered as a TVG.
- Thame Town Council v Secretary of State HC&LG & others [2021] EWHC 291 a decision of Mrs Justice Lang dismissing a 288 statutory review of an inspector’s decision to allow an appeal and grant permission for the redevelopment of a business park protected for employment use in the Thame Neighbourhood Plan by a policy which stipulated that a site be marketed for at least a year at a reasonable price.
- Pearce v Secretary of State BEIS & Norfolk Vanguard Ltd [2021] EWHC 326 a decision ofMr Justice Holgate quashing a DCO under PA 2008 on the basis of a failure to properly assess cumulative impacts.
Decisions of the week:
- Decisions of an inspector dated 9th February 2021 allowing Cateby Estates & Miller Homes Ltd’s appeal granting outline planning permission for up to 400 dwellings on land allocated for development at Whitford Rd Bromsgrove in the face of highways issues.
- Decisions of an inspector dated 10th February 2021 allowing Bowbridge Land Ltd’s appeal seeking outline permission for up to 260 homes on a green field site, off Harborough Road, Desborough.
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