Melanie Leech CBE, Chief Executive of the British Property Federation
Decisions of the Week:
- Decision of the High Court dated 28th September 2022 concerning a challenge to the grant of permission by Cornwall Council for an extension to a Golf & Country Club in St Just, which lies in the Cornwall AONB and the designated Penwith Heritage Coast.
- Decision of an inspector dated 26th September 2022 allowing two separate appeals on greenfield sites outside but abutting the settlement boundary of Malmesbury, against the refusals by Wiltshire Council of outline applications for the development of up to 50 and up to 26 dwellings respectively. Issues around impact on character & appearance.
- Decision of an inspector dated 28th September 2022 allowing an appeal against the refusal of Wealden District Council for a mixed-use urban extension of up to 700 dwellings, employment floorspace, medical centre & primary school on a site identified as a Strategic Development Area in the Core Strategy, with European Protected Habitats in the area, contrary to an officer recommendation for approval and in the context of a 3.66 HLS.
- Decision of an inspector dated 23rd September 2022 allowing an- appeal against non-determination by Basildon District Council, of an outline application for the part demolition & redevelopment of the Eastgate Shopping Centre & adjoining land to provide a mixed use scheme of up to 2800 dwellings including build to rent, open market sale, student accommodation, later living & co-living, retail & commercial floorspace, public realm & car parking. No 5 yr HLS. Issues raised around design, impact on character & appearance, impact on designated heritage assets.
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