Paul Morrison CBE
Our Special Guest this week is Paul Morrison, Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate.
Latest News Update on planning related matters.
Decision of the High Court dated 6 September 2023 in R(oao Fiske) v Test Valley Borough Council & Woodington Solar Ltd [2023] EWHC 2221 (Admin) quashing a decision under section 73 to grant a permission varying conditions in respect of an earlier permission for a solar farm, including panels and a 33kV substation because the permission was outside the scope of s73 due to conflicts with the operative wording of the original permission, contrary to Finney.
Decision of the Minister for Housing & Planning dated 11th September 2023, allowing LS Easton Park Development Ltd’s appeal against the refusal by Uttlesford DC of permission on land at Dunmow, Essex, for between 1,000 and 1,200 dwellings & up to 21,500 sqm of development in C2, Class E & F on unallocated open countryside. Issues around BMV agricultural land, impacts on heritage, transport and landscape. Tilted balance engaged, no 5 yr HLS.
Decision of an inspector dated 13 September 2023 dismissing Leverhulme Estates Ltd’s seven appeals for outline planning permission against the refusals of permission by Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council for various C3 housing of between 15 and 290 dwellings in various locations all in the Green Belt in the context of an emerging local plan submitted for examination in October 2022 alleged by the Appellant to be flawed. Appellant also maintained no 5 yr HLS although Council disagreed. No VSC found.
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