Richard Schofield, Head of Profession at the Planning Inspectorate (S8 E4)
Decisions of the Week:
- The Supreme Court decision in Hillside – This Wednesday, the Supreme Court decision in the Hillside litigation was handed down. This is a seminal decision in the relationship of planning permissions relating to the same site.
- The High Court decision in Standard Life v Secretary of State & Ors [2022] EWHC 2632 (Admin) – A decision of James Strachan KC (sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court) dealing with the critical issue of presentation of a case at inquiry and the legal approach of an Inspector in the light of how the case is put in the context of a claimed breach of condition in a Section 78 appeal dealing with the redevelopment of a major site in Bath.
- Decision of an inspector dated 24 October 2022 in which an Inspector deals with a major redevelopment of a site in Tottenham for a mixed use development of 867 homes and whether the proposal complied or not with the development plan and the effect of the tilted balance in the planning balance.
- Decision of an inspector dated 25 October 2022 in which the Inspector was dealing with a proposed world-class Golf Course, hotel and over 1000 houses in the Green Belt and whether there were very special circumstances which outweighed the harm to the Green Belt.
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