Tom Dobson
Our Special Guest this week is Tom Dobson, Managing Director of Quod Planning.
Decisions of the Week:
London Historic Parks & Garden Trust v Minster of State for Housing et al[2022] EWHC 829 (Admin) the decision of Thornton J quashing the Minister’s decision to grant permssion for the UK Holocaust Memorial Centre in Victoria Tower Gardens, Millbank due a failure to grapple with the London County Council’s (Improvements) Act 1900.
Decision of the Housing Minister dated 13 April 2022 allowing planning and listed building consent applications by Feeder Estates LLP, made to Bristol CC, called in by the SoS under section 77 for a significant R&D, 367 homes and 1,600 pupil secondary school on a 4.2 ha site east of Temple Meads station, raising issues on impact on flood risk, heritage assets, compliance with the development plan & overall planning balance.
Decision of Secretary of State for Transport dated 21st April 2022 granting development consent under the 2008 Planning Act for Highways England for the M54 to M6 Link Road, replacing J1 of the M54 with a new junction & dual carriageway to M6 J11, in accordance with the examining inspector’s recommendation taking account of the National Networks National Policy Statement and significant economic benefits and overall improvements to air quality.
Decision of an inspector dated 12 April 2022 allowing an appeal by Rainier Developments against the decision of Mid-Sussex District Council to refuse permission for a 64 bed C2 home on an unallocated site raising issues on impact on character & appearance & landscape, sustainable travel & the need for this type of housing.
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