We take a deep dive on some cases and discuss virtual events and our thoughts on them.
Court Judgments of the week:
- R (oao Client Earth) v Secretary of State BE&IS & Drax Power Limited [2021] EWCA Civ 43 a decision of the Court of Appeal dismissing an appeal from the decision of Holgate J who had dismissed a claim for JR of the decision to grant a DCO for a NSIP for two gas-fired generating units at Drax Power.
- R (oao Asda Stores Ltd) v Leeds City Council & Commercial Development Project Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 32 a decision of the Court of Appeal dismissing an appeal from the decision of Lieven J who had dismissed a claim for JR of the decision to grant permission for a mixed use retail led development at the former Benyon Centre based on an alleged misinterpretation of NPPF [90].
- Parkview Homes Limited v Chichester District Council [2021] EWHC 59 a successful challenge to the grant of permission on an A3 change of use “extension of hours “application via s73 under delegated powers raising amenity/noise issues.
- A decision of the Secretary of State for Transport dated 19 January 2021, in accordance with the recommendation of the Examining Authority, granting Highways England a DCO to widen the A1 from 3 lanes to 4 between J68 & J65 of the A1 at Gateshead to support future development at the Team Valley Trading Estate
Decision of the week:
Plus “Praise of the Week” and “Nudge of the Week”