Helen Fadipe MRTPI
Our Special Guest this week is Helen Fadipe MRTPI, Founder and Chair of the BAME Planners Network
Decisions of the Week:
Decision of High Court in R(oaf CPRE (Somserset)) v South Somerset DC & ors [2022] EWHC 2817 dated 8th November 2022 allowing CPRE’s application for JR & quashing the grant of planning permission for 5 buildings to store carnival floats on open land in the countryside on account of the apparent bias and predetermination of two members who had declared their interests, Council’s Code of Conduct considered.
Decision of the High Court in R (oaf Tesco Stores Ltd) v Allerdale BC & Lidl GB Ltd [2022] EWHC 2827, dated 8th November 2022 an attempt by Tesco to quash a decision to grant planning permission for a Lidl store on the basis of alleged failures in the officer’s report to properly interpret and apply local plan policy SA49 and S30.
Decision of an inspector dated 11th November 2022 allowing an appeal by Inland Homes against non-determination by Basildon Borough Council of an application for the demolition of the Lodge & the construction of 47 dwellings with vehicular access at Maitland Lodge, Southend Road, Billericay in the Green Belt. 2007 Local Plan and March 2022 withdrawal of 2014-2034 Local Plan.
Decision of an inspector dated 31st October 2022 allowing appeal by Luton Halls Properties Ltd against the refusal of Luton Borough Council, of an application for the conversion & change of use from sui generis student accommodation to 132 C3 flats and demolition of on site warden bungalow at Lea Halls, Bute Street, Luton. Issues around change of use in the context of the Luton TC Masterplan Framework, efficient use of land, living conditions and impact on character & appearance, public realm & accessibility to the town centre.
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