James Stevens
Our Special Guest this week is James Stevens MRTPI, Director of Cities for the Home Builders Federation.
Decisions of the Week:
Decision of Humphreys J dated 31 May 2022 in R oao Mooreland & Owenvarragh Residents Association Group [2022] NIQB 40, a challenge to the grant of conditional planning permission for a new 34,186 seater stadium at Casement Park.
Decision of the Minister For Environment, Government of Jersey dated 17 May 2022 to grant permission for a proposed new hospital at Overdale Site, Westmount Road, St Helier, Jersey in accordance with the recommendation of an independent planning inspector following the refusal of two earlier schemes.
Decision of an inspector dated 27th May 2022 allowing an appeal by CEG & landowners against the decision of Chichester District Council to refuse permission for up to 165 dwellings on agricultural land within a strategic development location in circumstances where there was no 5 yr HLS & issues raised about the impact of development on a nearby aerodrome & motor circuit, impact on character & appearance of the area & in key views from the South Downs National Park.
Decision of an inspector dated 30th May 2022 allowing an appeal for two warehouses of 16,115sq m against the non-determination of Three Rivers DC who originally raised issues relating to the impact of the proposal on hydrology, the Forester Moth & BNG but later accepted that permission should be granted leaving a Rule 6 party to contest the appeal.
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