Sir Bob Neill MP
Our Special Guest this week is Sir Robert Neill MP. Member of Parliament for Bromley & Chislehurst and Chair of the Justice Committee.
Latest News Update on Spelthorne, Lib Dems on housing targets & Greenwich Council’s decision on Mast Quay Towers.
Decision of the Minister for Housing & Planning on behalf of the Secretary of State dated 21st September 2023 dismissing two appeals against non-determination by the London Borough of Southwark to grant planning permission for either of two schemes for the redevelopment of New City Court, 4-26 St Thomas Street; one for a 37-storey scheme, the other for a 26-storey scheme, on account of their LTSH on numerous designated heritage assets. NPPF 202 balance not favourable to appellant.
Decision of an inspector dated 18th September 2023 allowing Metis Homes Ltd’s appeal for planning permission for 103 dwellings & a children’s nursery against the non-determination by Chichester District Council on a site beyond the settlement boundary at Nutbourne, Chichester in the context of no 5 yr HLS, an emerging local plan and issues around infrastructure including a bespoke nutrient neutrality mitigation scheme.
Decision of an inspector dated 26th September allowing an appeal by Vedose Ltd against the refusal by Watford Borough Council to grant permission for a mixed use development of 247 build to rent homes and Class E floorspace in a building ranging from 5 to 24 storeys in height at 50 Clarendon Road, Watford, issues around loss of employment floorspace, impact on character & appearance & adequacy of living conditions.
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