Toby Savage
Our Special Guest this week is Toby Savage, Leader of South Gloucestershire Council.
Decisions of the Week:
Decision of Court of Appeal in Barton Park Estates ltd v Secretary of State & Anor [2022] EWCA Civ 833 dated 21st June 2022 dismissing an appeal against the decision of His Hon Judge Jarman dismissing a section 288 appeal against an inspector’s refusal to grant a certificate of lawful use or development for the stationing of up to 80 caravans “for the purposes of human habitation” at Magpie Leisure Park, Bedford Bridge, raising issues about the scope of a 1987 planning permission & I’m Your Man.
Decision of an inspector dated 30th June 2022 allowing an appeal by Yelland Quay Ltd against the refusal by North Devon District Council for a hybrid application for detailed demolition, flood defence works & bat building & vehicle parking for Tarka Trail & outline permission for mixed use including 250 dwellings, Class E employment & retail floorspace on land formerly occupied by a coal-fired station, allocated for development & located in an SSSI, near a SAC/SSSI & within the setting of an AONB.
Decision of an inspector dated 24 June 2022 allowing an appeal by Churchill Retirement Living against the failure of Wychavon District Council to give notice of a decision for retirement living accommodation, with a single issue based on viability, and a consequential affordable housing contribution.
Decision of an inspector dated 30th June 2022 dismissing appeals for planning permission & listed building consent, against the decision of City of London Corporation, for the refurbishment extension and conversion of the Custom House, a grade 1 LB for hotel led scheme based on the application of NPPF 202.
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